DIMENSIONAL DYNAMICS – Founded 1971, Incorporated 1978
In 1978 under the direction of Rev. L. Gordon Bucy, R.A., Dimensional Dynamics, Architects and Planners was incorporated. Rev. Bucy’s express purpose was the establishment of an architectural firm that would help guide churches through the processes of planning, designing and construction of church and church-related facilities. Over the years it has been Dimensional Dynamics’ honor to work with churches throughout the United States. While registration is not covered in all states, members of the firm possess NCARB Certification that facilitates architectural registration in any state.
Since its conception, it has been this firm’s pleasure to work with hundreds of churches. The firm has aided in projects ranging from site and existing facility analysis and acquisition to master planning and construction of entire facilities, dividing them into reachable phases, based on the program needs and financial ability of the church. Because of the variety of architectural challenges presented in church design, Dimensional Dynamics has been able to achieve an expertise in renovations, adaptive-reuse and new construction.
Through the years Dimensional Dynamics has had the privilege to also include educational and day-care facilities as well as retirement housing, custom homes, and commercial architecture to our portfolio, however church facilities remain the mission and focus of this firm. Throughout all projects, Dimensional Dynamics has held to the belief of the ability of one team. It is this team that enables the project to move from the analytical process, directly into the physical planning, development and management. This process results in a more precise identification, generation and implementation of solutions.
The basic concept of the Dimensional Dynamics’ team approach is the dedication to listen to the client in order to understand their needs and concerns. By doing so we are better able to work with the integration of design and function providing comprehensive, quality solutions. This is not idle theory, but a performing and successful dynamic dimension of our firm.
As it was in the beginning and as we continue into the future, Dimensional Dynamics, serving church and church-related clients throughout the United States, is an architectural firm that leads churches through the process of planning, designing, and construction of quality, functional facilities to meet their ministry needs and financial abilities.