FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Haverhill, Massachusetts – Founded in 1898 with only 23 members, First Presbyterian Church was originally located on Summer Street in Haverhill, MA but was destroyed in a severe fire in 1982. After sometime without a permanent church home, the congregation eventually purchased a new empty lot at the corner of Broadway and Carleton Streets. It was then that they contacted Dimensional Dynamics to aid them in preparing a Master Plan for the site and in guiding them through the construction of both Phases One in 1986, and Two in 2002, of their new facility.
Posted in: Church Planning Principles.
Tagged: addition, building committee, church, church architect, church architecture, church construction, church facilities, church facility, church lending, church planning, conversion, deacon, elder, master plan, new construction, pastor, phase one, preservation, religious, resources, reverend, stewardship, trustee.